the postman always buzzes twice

Today is a good day to be staring out the window, waiting for the postman. He brought me not one or two but THREE of the things I was waiting for! He knows I’m waiting for things and also that I work from home, so he buzzes to let me know he’s here although that is quite unnecessary since gazing out the window is pretty much my job these days. Hooray! I am rolling around in the fruits of my internet labours!

The weekend turned out to be pretty good. On Friday night I coerced the gang into scooting to Richmond to go to the Night Market, as I had an itch that only meat on a stick could scratch. The ride down was a little traumatic – tempers flew much faster than Shan’s Scarabeo – but good times were had and the ride back was great fun.

Saturday was a lazy day; the weather threatened to ooze unmentionables all over us so scooting was out. We did not do much of anything – Ed and I wandered around an uninspiring Metrotown, then came home to nap and kill zombies. Sunday was looking to be much of the same, but the sun came out full force so I dragged Ed downtown for a scoot. I’d been wanting to check out Portobello West for some time, and with the lure of a Home Depot right next door, I was able to spend some time wandering around the designer wares untethered. Normally that would be dangerous, except I spent a great deal more money once Ed put in his appearance rather than being all sneaky and doing it while he was out perusing caulk across the street. My lust for gorgeous things well sated, we scooted to the beach for some ice cream and people watching before heading home for a relaxing evening of more zombies and scooter washing. Productive, sort of, but more importantly, fun.

I had a mild space-related panic attack last night. I am really not coping well with being actively loathed across the board, but some days are worse than others. Today I will bury myself in proposals and scented creams and try not let things bother me so much. For someone who is so universally thick-headed, I sure do have some awfully thin skin.

This week: Sushi! The PNE! Long distance scooter adventures! The start of Anniversary Month! YAY!